Foam Underlayment
100 sq ft (40' x 30'') roll of 2 mm foam underlayment for use under Marmoleum Click, Laminate, and other types of flooring.
This foam underlayment provides protection and padding for many types of floating floor installations. The underlayment has a self-sealing film lip and adhesive liner tape for easier installation. It softens and insulates noise and has a built-in vapor barrier.
Note: a vapor barrier must be used for all installations of Marmoleum Click over concrete or radiant heat.
Country of Manufacture: US
Before rolling out underlayment, be sure to sweep, vacuum, and remove all debris on the substructure.
Fill in any significant holes, gaps or breaks that may exist on the substructure.
Roll out underlayment over the substructure.
Always follow the flooring manufacturers instructions when installing underlayment in areas with a high concentration of water, moisture, and vapor transmissions.
Install underlayment with self-sealing film lip and adhesive tape by simply connecting the extended film lip to the opposite side of the next roll by peeling the liner off the tape and attaching the adhesive to the film lip.
Always be sure to connect the rolls evenly so that the foam is not overlapping each other and there are no wide gaps between the foam before splicing.