Here are some quick tips to help you use less energy for summer cooling.
Electrical cooling systems are a big power drain. Take maximum advantage of summer breezes and cooler, less humid days and give your air conditioner a break as much as possible. You can use ceiling fans to create your own breeze. This will make people in your home feel cooler, but you should turn off fans when a room is not in use as they do not actually reduce room temperatures.
You can also use a programmable thermostat to set the thermostat to higher temperatures during certain times of the day or days of the week. Also, magnetic vent covers are an easy and inexpensive way to reduce cooling costs and energy usage for a particular room.
Install awnings and plant deciduous trees to provide more shade in summer. Close curtains and blinds during the day to reduce solar heat gain during the hottest hours. You can also use window insulation kits and rope caulk to weatherize windows.
Door strips, switch and outlet sealers, and outlet safety covers will help to reduce air flow (and leakage of cooled air) around exterior walls and doors.
Be sure to change and/or clean your air filters to impove the efficiency of your air handler (and to improve indoor air quality). You can use a furnace filter whistle if you'd like an audible reminder.
Use kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans prudently to remove fumes and humidity. Running these exhaust fans for longer than necessary also removes conditioned air.
Finally, reduce sources of heat by unplugging appliances, chargers, and other electrical devices when not in use. And you can reduce heat from incandescent bulbs by switching to compact fluorescent or LED bulbs. We hope these tips help you keep your cool in the summer heat!
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